Real Estate Restructuring and Reorganization
Restructurings and reorganizations have become all too common over the past several years, as real estate markets around the world seek a more steady footing in these challenging times. We can help.
Guiding Our Clients through Times of Change
Our lawyers have the deep deal experience and industry knowledge to represent clients in every type of troubled financing or bankruptcy situation.
We advise secured and unsecured creditors, loan servicers, acquirers, and other interested parties in major debt restructurings.
We often represent companies whose business is the acquisition, development, and disposition of real estate, including public and private real estate funds, equity funds, and developers.
Our team has extensive experience representing lenders and borrowers of senior and mezzanine financing in every type of solution to distressed real estate loans—from workouts and restructurings to foreclosures and receiverships to prepackaged or contested Chapter 11 cases.
Served as lead advisers on more post-credit crunch CMBS transactions than any other London-based team
Real Estate & REIT Law Firm of the Year
China Business Law Journal
Real Estate Law Firm of the Year
Asian Legal Business
Real Estate Team of the Year
Client Alert
Reform Attempt to Soften the Written Form Requirement for Commercial Lease Agreements
August 20, 2024
Client Alert
The Fixed/Floating Distinction: Either Fixing a Fixed Charge or Seeing that the Floating Charge Floats,...
August 01, 2023
Client Alert
Bankruptcy Court Declines to Enforce Right of Minority LLC Member of Real Estate Holding Entity to Block...
January 19, 2022
Client Alert
Real Estate Focus: China - Evolving Standards and Practices in China's Banking Industry
May 03, 2011
Client Alert
Eliminating Enterprise Zones in California: An Analysis of the Proposed Budget and Its Effects on...
February 01, 2011

Partner, Real Estate Department

Partner, Real Estate Department

Partner, Real Estate Department

Partner, Real Estate Department

Partner, Real Estate Department