
Client Alert

The UKs Climate Change Act 2008 A Prescriptive Road Map for a Greener Future, or All Style and No Substance?

December 18, 2008

Jonathan Simpson, David Manny and Tyler Rudd

The Climate Change Act 2008 entered the statute books in the UK on the 26 November 2008. Accompanying clarification notes followed on the 2 December 2008. The aims of this legislation are, amongst other things, to:

• set a target for the year 2050 for the reduction of targeted greenhouse gas emissions;

• provide for a system of carbon budgeting;

• establish a Committee on Climate Change;

• confer powers to establish trading schemes for the purpose of limiting greenhouse gas emissions or encouraging activities that reduce such emissions or remove greenhouse gas from the atmosphere; and

• make provisions about adaptation to climate change.

Click here for a PDF of the full text