
Client Alert

Proposal to Revise Rules on Small Generator Interconnections

February 01, 2013


It has been over seven years since FERC issued its order on interconnection of small generators (Order No. 2006). In response to significant growth in development of renewable generation, small generator interconnection requests, and renewable portfolio standards, FERC has determined that it is time to revise the federal rules on small generator interconnections (applicable to projects no larger than 20 MW). FERCs Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposes four reforms geared towards increasing efficiency of small generator interconnections and decreasing costs and barriers to interconnection. Interconnection Customers, Transmission Providers, investors, and other potentially affected parties will want to closely review the NOPR and how it may impact their rights and obligations within the scope of small generator interconnections.

Click here for a PDF of the full text