
Client Alert

California Is At It Again: A Dozen New Laws Will Significantly Impact the States Employers

October 12, 2011

Stephen L. Berry, James P. Carter & Bilal A. Essayli

Each fall for several years before the arrival of Governor Schwarzenegger, California employers came to expect that the legislature and governor would enact a slew of employment-related laws that imposed new obligations on them and created additional legal risks. The last seven legislative sessions have been relatively mild for employers, but the respite is over. Just nine months after taking office, Governor Brown has joined forces with the legislature to produce a dozen new employment-related laws, which, as in the old days, impose substantial additional responsibilities, burdens and costs on employers. The new laws take effect on January 1, 2012. This Alert summarizes the key changes resulting from the recently concluded legislative session of which employers with operations in California must take note.

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