
Benefits Bulletin

Healthy Skin Month Tips

November 20, 2017


Now that summer is over, Winter can cause quite a bit of damage to your skin.  Here are a few tips to keep your skin looking healthy, hydrated, and youthful:

  • The number one best thing you can do for your skin is to drink lots of water! In order to keep your skin healthy it’s important to hydrate throughout the day.

  • Protect your skin, even in the Winter, by applying sunscreen. According to All American Healthcare, “You should be applying SPF 30 every day, including cloudy days. In fact, cloudy days often pose the highest risk for skin damage”.

  • Moisturize daily.  Just as drinking water helps your skin stay hydrated, so does using a daily moisturizer. If you have very dry skin you may consider using a petroleum gel as a daily moisturizer.

  • Don’t forget your lips! Your lips are often forgotten, but be sure to use a balm during the year to keep your lips from UV exposure.

  • Time for a dermatologist? Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to do a full body scan. This can catch skin diseases early and keep your skin healthy.

To see a quick guide to healthy skin, please see the flyer provided by the American Academy of Dermatology.