

A Conversation With Renaud van Ruymbeke: Knowledge Partner of the virtual 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

Thursday, March 25 12:30 PM EDT to 1:30 PM EDT


Paul Hastings is a proud Knowledge Partner of the virtual 2021 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum. We will be hosting a one-on-one conversation with partner Nicola Bonucci of our Paris office, and Renaud van Ruymbeke, a former French magistrate whose 49-year career included investigating the French-Taiwan Frigates Affair, the ELF case, and other major transnational matters. Renaud is widely considered one of the foremost experts in white collar crime in France and has just published a book on his experience “Mémoires d’un Juge Trop Indépendant” (Memories of a Too-Independent Judge). The conversation will look at the lessons learned but will also address the proposals for change put forward in the book.

This insightful discussion will take place in French. English subtitles will be made available in a recorded version available after the live event.