Client Alerts
UK Employment Law: The Hot Topics
March 10, 2011
Suzanne Horne
At a Glance
This Stay Current flags the latest employment law and employment related developments affecting UK Employers. Undoubtedly, the issue of retirement and age discrimination is shaping up to be this years hot topic but others are not far behind.
1. Employers have until 5 April 2011 to retire employees automatically at age 65
2. Time-off for training will not apply to employers with less than 250 employees
3. Additional paternity and adoption leave and pay kicks-in on 3 April 2011
4. Employees of a business in administration will always transfer under TUPE
5. ECJ rules insurance sector gender exclusion unlawful
6. Minor errors in industrial action formalities less likely now to stop UK strikes
7. U-turn on bank bonus issue 8. More enforcement of UK data protection laws