

Recognised among the World’s Top 10 Best Investigations Practices by Global Investigations Review for 2020

October 23, 2020

Paul Hastings ranked in the Top 10 of Global Investigations Review’s GIR 100, an annual guide to the world’s leading cross border investigations practices. The citation reads in part: “Few firms can boast the breadth of experience that Paul Hastings can. GIR data shows that Paul Hastings is listed as having advised on more FCPA settlements than any other firm since late 2008, and has had more FCPA monitorships than any other firm since 2004."

The following attorneys were noted in the profile based on their exceptional performance across the white collar practice: Kwame Manley, Gary Giampetruzzi, Thomas Zaccaro, Robert Luskin, John S. (Jay) Darden, Tim Dickinson, Morgan Miller, Corinne Lammers, Nicola Bonucci, Simon Airey, Tom Best, Matt Herrington, Jonathan Drimmer, Peter Axelrod, Shaun Wu, Jason Fiebig, and Haiyan Tang.