

M&A Today Webinar Series: The New Antitrust Environment and its Impact on M&A Deals

Thursday, October 21 12:00 PM EDT to 1:00 PM EDT

Please join us for our next M & A Today webinar featuring antitrust partners Michael MurrayCamille Paulhac and Gary Zanfagna who will discuss key elements of the new antitrust environment, the effect of the pandemic on antitrust enforcement and current enforcement priorities.

1 Hour of General Credit has been requested for this program.

For more information and to register.
Contact Megan Gutman at

If you missed this webinar, please find the recording here.

Practice Areas

Mergers and Acquisitions

Antitrust and Competition


Image: Camille Paulhac
Camille Paulhac

Partner, Litigation Department

Image: Michael F. Murray
Michael F. Murray

Partner, Litigation Department